Gwinnett County Police officer performs a PIT maneuver to stop a wrong way driver.
Title: Wrong way driver charged with DUIDate: January 15, 2024Gwinnett County Police officer performs a PIT maneuver to stop a wrong way driver.Around 2:45am on January 12, Sgt. Kingsley was on patrol on Nelson Brogdon Blvd. and Peachtree Industrial Blvd. when he noticed a wrong way driver. The driver made a U-turn in front of him and continued to travel on the wrong side of the road. Sgt. Kingsley quickly made the decision to perform a PIT maneuver to bring the vehicle to a stop before it could hit anyone head on. Yuris Garcia Galvez (27, Gainesville) was arrested for DUI, Driving on the Wrong Side of the Roadway, and Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Police. She was taken to the Gwinnett County Jail without incident.
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