MPD Reports: Golf cart stolen and recovered, suspects arrested; underage intoxicated female arrested for disorderly conduct/marijuana possession; juvenile issues
The City of Monroe Police Department reported the following incidents for the period Dec. 28, 2023 to Jan. 4, 2024. Due to the length, this report has been split into four parts. This is the second part. Please note an arrest or charge does not constitute a conviction.
The City of Monroe Police Department reported the following incidents for the period Dec. 28, 2023 to Jan. 4, 2024. Due to the length, this report has been split into four parts. This is the second part. Please note an arrest or charge does not constitute a conviction.
- Harassment -MPD. Male subject advised a female subject was sending him harassing messages on Facebook. She was blocked and civil remedies were advised.
- Fraud – Blaine Street – Female subject requested a report be made due to someone fraudulently filing taxes under her name in 2021. Report taken.
- Dispute – E Washington St – In reference to a female subject thinking her package was signed for by another party. The package was not signed for and she was advised to contact UPS.
- Stolen Vehicle – Mears St- In reference to a golf cart that was taken. Golf cart recovered on Lawrence St. Suspects located on Ash St and taken into custody.
- Agency Assist – Green St – In reference to the Georgia Crisis and Access Line (GCAL) wanting an officer on location while an assessment of a male subject was conducted. A signed 1013 was completed on scene. The male subject was transported to Piedmont Walton, and turned over to the ER staff without incident.
- Dispute – Hill St – In reference to a female subject and a male subject leaving marks on her person. He left the location and was located on S Madison Ave at E Washington. Traffic stop conducted due to family violence incident. He was placed under arrest for family violence charges and also charged with DUI. Vehicle was impounded by Taylors Wrecker service.
- Suspicious Person – S Madison Ave: While conducting the investigation for call 4, a subject proceeded to interfere with the traffic stop and taunted officers. Subject also began to use the roadway in an unlawful manner. (subject in the roadway). Subject was identified as a juvenile. He was issued a curfew citation and a jay walking citation. Contact was made with his mother, and the subject was returned home.
- Agency Assist – E Fambrough St: Walton County Sheriff’s Office stopped a motorist for failure to maintain lane. Deputy requested MPD due to marijuana odor and weapon in the vehicle. Driver was arrested for DUI, turned over to GSP.
- Dispute – Davis St, – In reference to a female subject stating a named individual had attempted to enter her residence through a window. Made contact with the complainant who advised all was OK and did not wish to speak to us further. No other individual observed on location.
- Dispute – Sorrells St – In reference to two subjects having a verbal dispute. Remedies were advised, all ok.
- Suspicious Person – Alcovy St and Wayne St: Juvenile walking along Alcovy St. Due to time frame contact was made to insure no criminal activity was afoot. The subject had a box cuter with blade extended in his jacket pocket. Juvenile’s father was contacted and he responded to the location to retrieve his child.
- Disturbing the Peace – Maple Lane: Female subject called 911 due to an issue at a house party. Upon arrival subject was yelling and cursing at multiple subjects on Maple Ln. She was heavily under the influence of an alcoholic beverage. She was placed under arrest for Obstruction, Underage possession of alcoholic beverage, Pedestrian under the influence. While at the WCSO jail, marijuana was located in her purse, she was charged with crossing the guard line and minor in possession of tobacco product. She made allegations of rape. CID notified.
Photo and story: Coutesy Monroe-Local