Subject was clocked at 114 and 120 mph
The City of Monroe Police Department reported the following incidents for the period July 14 – 21, 2022. Due to the length, this report has been split into five parts. This is the third part. Please note an arrest or charge does not constitute a conviction.
- Damage to property – Etten Dr: Complainant advised his mailbox was damaged by a white Chevrolet pickup truck. The complainant could not give a description of the tag but advised the damage was approximately $45. Report taken
- EMS Assist – E. Church St. @ Pine Park St.- In reference to a male that fell out of a wheelchair. The Male advised he was ok.
- Juvenile complaint – Roosevelt St: Complainant advised two juveniles were walking down the road shooting orbeez guns. The area was checked, and negative contact was made with juveniles.
- Juvenile Complaint – Ridgeview – In reference to a juvenile running away from a foster parent in the Ridgeview parking lot. The juvenile was located, and given a courtesy ride to Piedmont Walton for a 10- 13 evaluation at the request of the foster parent.
- Lost property – N Broad St; Scoops: Complainant advised she left a pink sports bag on one of the tables at scoops. The bag was located and given to the cashier to give to the owner upon her return.
- Dispute – Old Mill Point- In reference to unknown females attempting to fight juveniles behind this residence. The caller stated they left in an older Honda and a red Dodge Nitro. Parties were gone when officers arrived.
- Animal Complaint – Ridge Rd. – In reference to a bat inside the residence. Complainant advised of remedies. Animal control later responded to the scene.
- Traffic Stop – Hwy 78 W. @ Highway 138 Exit Ramp- While conducting speed enforcement on Hwy 78 a male subject passed two stationary patrol vehicles at 114 m.p.h. (59 m.p.h. over the posted speed limit). Speed was confirmed via LIDAR. The subject then passed a stationary GSP Trooper at 120 m.p.h. (65 m.p.h. over the posted speed limit). After catching up to his vehicle he pulled over and was taken into custody for Reckless Driving and Speeding.
- Dispute – Cook St. – Two men disputing. One advised a physical fight occurred between him and the other but. witnesses on the scene advised the dispute was verbal only. One had an active Probation Violation warrant out of Monroe and was arrested for the warrant and transported to Walton County Sheriff’s Office.
- Entering Auto – National Guard Armory; Complainant reported someone entered her vehicle overnight and stole (18) .380 bullets from inside her Glock 42 but did not take the Glock 42. Report taken.
- Theft – Bolton St in reference to a stolen trailer license plate. The license plate was placed on GCIC by dispatch.
- EMS Assist – South Madison Ave in reference to an older women that fell. Turned over to EMS.
- Welfare Check – Towler Street in reference to a elderly male subject is not answering the door and have medical problems. Fire Department made entry and the male subject was not home.
- 911 Hang Up – Wellington Ln: Made contact with resident on scene. He advised Windstream has been notified and will come fix on their timeline. 15 calls of this nature at residence since June.
- Dispute – Amber Trail. Dispute between a male and a female, parties separated, and report completed.
- Traffic Stop – Michael Etchinson Road in reference to a traffic stop for illegal brake lights covers. The driver was placed under arrest for felony possession of marijuana.
- Other Law – N. Wayne St; Silver Queen. Verbal dispute between two men. Both parties were extremely intoxicated and separated, report completed.
- Found Property – West Spring Street – In reference to a wallet being found in a trashcan inside the library. It was determined that the wallet had been thrown away.