The City of Monroe, Ga. Police Department reported the following incidents for the period July 14 – 21, 2022. Due to the length, this report has been split into five parts. This is the fourth part. Please note an arrest or charge does not constitute a conviction.
- Found Property – Miledge Ave – In reference to two oxygen tanks being dropped off at the wrong address. Remedies were advised.
- Hit and Run – Overlook Trl. Report of an accident that occurred at Michael Etchison and Great Oaks Dr. At fault driver followed other driver to residence. Report completed.
- Hit and Run – W spring St. – In reference to a passenger car backing into the complainant’s car. A report in GEARS.
- Firearms – Pine Park St. @ Davis St.- In reference to several gunshots in the area. Negative contact.
- Disturbance – Piedmont Walton- In reference to named subject being combative and attempting to walk out of the ER. He is under a signed 10-13. Upon arrival, the subject was not combative and was okay.
- Disturbing the Peace – New Lacy St. – Complainant called and wanted multiple subjects removed from the property due to noise. The complainant did not give a name or exact location of residence, the call was closed, and the area checked.
- Agency Assist – W Spring St. – Georgia State Patrol requesting assistance on a traffic stop. GSP advised the vehicle they stopped was enroute to Piedmont Walton in reference to an accidental overdose of a juvenile that occurred in Loganville.
- Prowler – Highland Creek Dr.- Complainant advised she heard male and female voices in her backyard. The residence was secured, with no one on sight.
- Abandoned Vehicle – Hwy 78 E. @ Hwy 138 Exit Ramp- In reference to an unoccupied vehicle left in the fast lane. No contact was made with the registered owner so the vehicle was towed. An open container was located on the driver-side floorboard. At 0313 hours Walton County Sheriff’s Office had contact with the owner on Hwy 78. I met with the owner and advised him that his vehicle was a road hazard and was taken to Taylors Towing.
- Dispute – Lakeview Dr: Male advised he was struck in the head with a plastic airsoft gun by another. Both parties’ mothers were contacted and were advised of the process of obtaining a pre-trail warrant if they chose to press charges. Both parties separated.
- Dispute – Perry St; A – Complainant stated her License, phone charger, and spare car key was taken by her boyfriend, who was gone when officers arrived. Report taken; Subject stated he would return the items later in the day. Remedies advised should the property not be returned.
- Dispute – Piedmont Walton – In reference to a 16-year-old mother not wanting her juvenile transported to another facility by EMS. The juvenile’s legal guardian approved the transport and the 16-year-old was advised the transport would take place. EMS transported the juvenile without further incident.
- Suspicious Person – N Broad / Deer Acres- In reference to a female subject lying face down in the grass across from Deer Acres. She advised she was just sunbathing and went on her way.
- Dispute – S Broad St; Caring Hearts- In reference to complainant stating staff was being rude to her and not letting her see her husband. All okay on location. Remedies advised.
- Dispute – Nowell St. Dispute in reference to vehicles on property that need to be removed per Code Enforcement. Situation was mediated.
- Damage to Property – Creekview Court. In reference to a vehicle damaged by an unknown vehicle while parked in the cul-de-sac. Report taken.
- Domestic Dispute – Hickory Dr -Female stated her husband began yelling at her and struck her in the face. He was gone when officers, report taken.
- Dispute – Landers St. Neighbors arguing over feeding a cat, situation resolved.
- Suspicious Person – Broad Street in reference to a female wearing a bag over her head causing drama. Female was gone when officers arrived. All ok.
- Shoplifting – Chestnut Cupboard. Comp called about a theft hat occurred at 1850 hours. The Male subject took vapes from behind the counter. Black male, wearing camo shorts, and a black t shirt.
- Suspicious person – East Washington in reference to a named subject sitting in the alley with his door open. He advised he was just listening to music.