The City of Monroe Police Department reported the following incidents for the period Sept. 8 – 15, 2022.
Harassment – Blaine Street (MPD). In reference to the complainant stating her mother has been harassing her for the past year. Stated she wants no contact with her mother. Remedies advised.
Damage to Property – Blaine St- In reference to a female complainant reporting her vehicle was damaged sometime between 0800 hours last date and 1100 hours this date. Report taken.
Reckless Driving – Stokes St/ S Madison Ave. Complainant advised a named subject was laying drag and driving reckless in the area. Contact was made with subject and he was warned on actions.
Welfare Check – Gatewood Way. In reference to the complainant and grandmother wishing for her 6-year-old grandson to be checked on. Stated that he has been texting and calling wanting her to pick them up. Stated that his father has had drugs around him. Negative contact was had with anyone at the residence. DFCS was notified.
Suspicious Person – Lacy St. Named subject on location had thrown marijuana and a digital scale into the air. He was detained and warrants were taken for Possession of Marijuana (F)
Found Property – N Madison Ave; Little Oaks Preschool- In reference to staff reporting they located pellet gun ammunition and an un-fired 9mm round by the rear door. Report taken. Staff request extra patrol around location.
Dispute – Haven Inn- In reference to a named male subject being on location needing a place to stay. He was criminally trespass per managers request and transported to FISH on South Madison Ave. He was then turned over to Walton County Sheriff’s Office, to be transported to a shelter in Athens. All ok.
Theft – GW Carver. In reference to an Amazon package delivered this date, not on the porch when the complainant arrived home. Report taken.
Prowler Report – Michael Cir. During nighttime hours complainant advised someone possibly attempted to enter their home. Extra patrol conducted.
Civil issue – Harry’s Marathon in reference to a male trying to cash out another person’s lottery winnings. Male was gone when officers arrived. All ok.
Other Law – MPD. Female subject wished to advise officers that she was scared by a group of men at the Huddle House. She was unable to give any information about the men and no crime committed.
Warrant Service – Oak St in reference to a named subject with active warrants through MPD for entering auto. Negative contact made.
Domestic – E. Fambrough Street in reference to to a named male punching a woman in the face. He was arrested for Family Violence Battery.
Civil Issue – at the Haven Inn in reference to standing by while a repo company took possession of a vehicle.
Juvenile Complaint – Community Court in reference to a juvenile that got kicked out of her residence. The juvenile was transported to the hospital because she was having suicidal thoughts.
Dispute – Davis St in reference to two females fighting at the residence. One was placed under arrest for Battery.
Dispute – W. Spring St; Haven Inn. Named subject criminally trespassed at owner’s request.
Warrant Attempt – West Spring Street – Female subject was taken into custody on a warrant for theft of lost or mislaid property. She was fingerprinted and transported to the jail.
Damage to Property – W. Spring St; Quality Foods. Complainant reported car damaged while in store, report taken.
Fraud – MPD Lobby: Complainant reported that her son and his girlfriend changed the contact number on the car loan she got for them so she would not receive late payment phone calls.