
Dog lovers seeking to add a furry friend to their family should be wary of a breeding practice known as the "guardianship program." This arrangement, often marketed as a win-win situation, can actually be harmful to both pets and their human caretakers.
In a guardianship program, a breeder offers a puppy at a discounted rate, typically around $500, to a "guardian home"1. The guardian agrees to raise the dog as their own, but the breeder retains ownership and breeding rights. The dog is then bred multiple times over several years before full ownership is transferred to the guardian.
Reputable breeders generally do not use guardian programs1. These arrangements are often associated with puppy mills or backyard breeders looking to maximize profits while minimizing their own costs and responsibilities.
If you believe you've fallen victim to a guardianship scam, consider seeking legal advice or contacting your state's Attorney General's office10.Remember, a dog is a long-term commitment. It's crucial to make informed decisions that prioritize both your family's needs and the well-being of the animal.
Please consider adoption. Local animal shelters and rescues have loving animals who want a loving family for a fraction of the cost and often free.