The City of Monroe Police department reported the following incidents for the period Jan. 20 – 27, 2022. Due to the length, this report has been split into five parts. This is the second part. Please note an arrest or charge does not constitute a conviction.
- Shoplifting – West Spring St (Wal-Mart): In reference to a named person having items on person without paying for said items in the amount of $13.70. They wanted to prosecute.
- Child Custody – East Church St & South Broad St in reference to a child custody dispute that occurred in the county.
- Intoxicated Person – Barron Drive Subject on location extremely intoxicated. He was taken back to his residence.
- Shoplifting – West Spring in reference to a named person taking items from Walmart without paying. He was arrested for shoplifting.
- Child Custody – Tanglewood. Subject requesting information in regard to child custody. Remedies advised.
- Alarm – East Spring St at the Fish Thrift Store in reference to an alarm and unsecure door. The building was cleared, and everything appeared to be okay.
- Dispute non-violent – Walton Rd in reference to a dispute between two subjects. Situation Mediated.
- Suspicious Person – Bold Spring Rd. Named subject on location extremely intoxicated. He was seen and cleared by EMS on scene and then was taken into custody on outstanding warrant.
- Suspicious vehicle – W Spring St in reference to subject sitting in his vehicle. He was advised to leave.
- Suspicious Vehicle – Monroe Pavilion in reference to a white vehicle that left the roadway and struck an embankment. Driver was gone when officers arrived, Vehicle Towed away
- Suspicious Person – Colquit St -Complainant stated they observed two black males with dreads walking in their backyard on a security camera. Area checked with negative contact.
- Assault – Piedmont Walton -Nurse reported an assault from a patient which occurred overnight. The Victim declined prosecution and wanted the incident documented.
- Hit and Run – Plaza Dr / Plaza Trace: In reference to a vehicle striking another and the leaving the scene. A woman stated it was her ex-boyfriend in a creme color Cadillac Deville with passenger side damage. Report made
- Threats – Spruce Lane -Complainant called about an acquaintance harassing her for money. Remedies provided.
- Dispute – Douglas St: In reference a civil matter between the complainant and a named person. Remedies were given to both parties that were separated.…