A man was transported to Piedmont Athens last week by Walton County EMS last week after being shot several times in the area of Custom Way and Baron Drive. Monroe Police Chief R.V. Watts said that he had survived the shooting and warrants had been taken for the suspect. A second shooting this past weekend resulted in another person being shot on Felker Street. In that instance, the victim left the scene prior to police arriving but he reportedly drove himself to the hospital in Monroe. That incident is still under investigation.
The City of Monroe Police Department reported the following incidents for the period Jan. 20 – 27, 2022. Due to the length, this report was split into five parts. This is the third part. Please note an arrest or charge does not constitute a conviction.
- TPO Violation – Chestnut Lane. In reference to a subject wishing to have documented that a subject in which he has a TPO against has been visiting a friend across the street.
- Other Law – Carwood Dr: In reference to subject having question in regard to employer not paying the complainant. Civil remedies were given.
- Mental Subject – Piedmont Walton, mental patient left the ER. Security did their duties and located the male and returned him to the ER without incident.
- Dispute – E Spring St Monroe Motor Inn, in reference to two subjects having a verbal dispute. Situation mediated.
- Traffic Offense – East Spring St & North Madison Ave, Subject was stopped for failure to maintain lane. After investigation, it was determined the subject was under the influence of alcohol. Multiple pill bottles located in the vehicle along with a open bottle of GIN. The subject was arrested for DUI, failure to maintain lane, and open container and transported to WCSO without incident.
- Traffic Offense – East Spring St &North Broad St. Traffic stop for driving with no headlights. Probable cause search conducted, and subject was arrested for felony marijuana, possession of meth, possession of firearm during felony, possession of drug related objects.
- Mental Person – Custom Way in reference to subject hallucinating. She was transported to Piedmont Walton. DFC was contacted for her children.
- Shots Fired – Custom Way & Baron Dr in reference to subject being shot several times. The subject was Transported to Athens Piedmont via EMS. Turned over to Criminal Investigation Division.
- Warrant Attempt – Old Mill Pt: In reference to a female subject having an active warrant for shoplifting. Negative contact with her. She was in a 2009 Honda Accord white in color.
- Dispute – Towler St. Dispute between subject and her daughter. Both parties were separated and advised of remedies. Report taken.
- Domestic Violent – W Creek Circle. In reference to a male beating a female in the street. Contact made with subject, had no injuries, said no physical fight occurred, everything was verbal. The dispute was about puppies. Negative contact made with male subject. Remedies advised. Report taken.
- Burglary – Wellington Dr. In reference to the complainant finding her basement door opened last date at 2130 hours. Stated that several pieces of jewelry are missing.
- https://news.monroelocal.org/mpd-reports-shooting-in-monroe-last-week-r…