The City of Monroe reported the following incidents for the period Jan. 20 – 27, 2022. Due to the length, this report has been split into five parts. This is the fifth part. Please note an arrest or charge does not constitute a conviction.
- Private Property Vehicle Collision – West Spring St (McDonald’s): In reference to a vehicle backing out of a parking spot and making contact with another. Report made
- Suspicious Person – West Spring St (Wal-Mart): In reference to an individual panhandling. Contact was made with a female from Romania with a language barrier and was sent on her way.
- Dispute – West Marable St: In reference to complainant wanting subject to leave the residence. Subject was gone upon Law Enforcement arrival with all his belongings. Situation mediated.
- Welfare Check – Masters Dr in reference to subject falling and could not get back up. Turned over to EMS
- Shoplifting – West Spring St in reference to a female subject shoplifting. She was released on citation due to her physical state and having a small child with her
- Dispute – Nowell intoxicated subject caused a disturbance at his sisters home. He snatched a cigarette out of her hand and refused lawful command from law enforcement officer. He was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct
- Transport – Blaine St in reference to transporting an arrest for CID.
- Fraud – Blaine St; MPD. In reference to suspected bank account fraud. Report taken.
- Traffic Stop – East Church St at Baron Dr. A named subject was arrested for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of misdemeanor marijuana following a traffic stop for failure to maintain lane.
- Dispute – Walker Drive in reference to a named subject was on location. All okay.
- Dispute – Haven Inn: Subject on location complaining of anxiety and knee pain issues. Turned over to EMS.
- dispute nonviolent – Chestnut Ln – In reference to subject disputing with her granddaughter. Parties were separated and remedies were advised.
- Domestic – Plaza Trce – Argument over car keys. Parties separated. Male party, who doesn’t live at the location, was sent on his way.
- Mental Subject – W Spring St – Subject on location refusing to leave. Upon arrival subject agreed to leave, all ok
- suspicious vehicle – Chestnut cupboard – In reference to a named subject driving his vehicle while under the influence of Alcohol. He was arrested for DUI alcohol.
- Dispute – W Spring St. Female on location becoming aggressive towards staff. Subject was gone when officers arrived.
- Warrant Attempt – Monroe Motor Inn – In reference to taking a named subject into custody.
- Found Property – Magnolia Ter. – In reference to the complainant, stating she found a wallet. A Florida ID was found in the wallet belonging to a named subject. Contact was attempted at the address for the owner, but it is the believed the residence is abandoned.