The City of Loganville Police Department reported the following incidents for the period Feb. 1 – 15, 2022. Please note an arrest or charge does not constitute a conviction.
Feb. 2, 2022
A 22-year-old Loganville man was charged with DUI – alcohol less safe, no insurance, speeding, fleeing/attempting to elude police and expired registration and driving while license suspended/revoked after he was stopped for speeding 70 mph in a 45 mph zone. When the officer approached and asked for driver’s license and registration, he noted a smell of alcohol on the subject’s breath. It was 2:17 a.m. and the subject initially said he was returning from work. The officer noticed his hand hesitate as it went over the gear stick to get his documentation. The officer asked him to get out of the vehicle, at which time the subject put the vehicle in drive and fled the scene. The officer followed and a chase ensued with speeds up to 90 mph on Ga 10 and 70 mph in a 35 mph speed zone on Bobby Boss Drive and onto Covington Drive. The vehicle was eventually followed into Garden Walk Lane where the driver pulled into a driveway, exited the vehicle, fell to the ground then got up and ran into the wood line. The taser was unsuccessfully activated due to the bush, but the subject fell multiple times and was eventually able to be handcuffed with the help of another officer. He was identified at which time he refused the breath test. He was booked at LPD and transported to Walton County Jail.
A 22-year-old Loganville man was charged with expired registration and driving while license suspended/revoked after the officer was advised by dispatch that he had an expired registration. His license also came back suspended. He was booked at LPD and released on a copy of the citations. The vehicle was released to his passenger who was a licensed driver.
Feb. 4
A 38-year-old Loganville man was charged with expired registration, driving with a suspended tag and no insurance after the officer’s license plate tag reader hit on it as being uninsured, with a suspended and expired tag. The driver and his passenger acknowledged that was indeed the case. The female passenger was able to get insurance for the vehicle and the driver was booked at LPD, cited and released.
A 22-year-old Dacula man was picked up on a warrant after he was reported as a suspicious vehicle in the Loganville City Hall parking lot. He initially said he was with a security company, but did not have company identification with him. He did, however, have a birth certificate and a check on him returned with a warrant out of the City of Auburn. He was booked at LPD and taken to Walton County jail.
Feb. 5
A 30-year-old Nashville, Tenn. man was arrested and charged with failure to maintain lane, open container violation and driving under the influence alcohol 0.08 gm or more, 21 or over after he was stopped for not maintaining its lane on GA 10 and reportedly smelled of alcohol. He reportedly confessed to drinking about 10 drinks, failed the field sobriety test and tested at 0.035 on the alco-sensor and 0.340 and 0.333 on the Intoxilyzer 9000 breath test. An open bottle of Smirnoff Vodka was also located on the passenger floor board of the vehicle. He was transported to the Walton County Detention Center and his vehicle was impounded.
A 38-year-old Loganville man was charged with expired registration and violation of a conditional permit after an officer’s tag reader picked up the vehicle as having an expired registration and the driver with a conditional license due to a DUI. He had shopping bags in his vehicle and said he was not aware that he could not stop to shop on his way to or from work on his conditional permit. He was released on a copy of his citations and he vehicle was turned over to a member of his family.
Feb. 6
A 33-year-old Monroe man was arrested and charged with failure to maintain lane, speeding and driving under the influence — alcohol less safe after he was seen failing to maintain lane and driving at a high rate of speed (68 – 70 mph in a 45 mph zone on GA 10) near Walton Street. When he was stopped he pulled into the Quiktrip parking lot and the officer reported a strong smell of alcohol. The driver allegedly confessed to having a “few.” He initially agreed to performing a field sobriety test but then changed his mind. He was subsequently placed under arrest and a tow truck was summoned for his vehicle. He allegedly then got combative and yelled profanities and derogatory slurs at the tow truck driver as well as the officer, allegedly threatening to beat him up if he ever saw him without his uniform and would spit on him in court. Due to his combative stance, he was not fingerprinted at LPD and was instead transported straight to Walton County jail.
Feb. 8
A 68-year Snellville woman was arrested and charged with driving under the influence — less safe, expired registration and failure to obey person directing traffic signals when she drove up on the curb and around a police vehicle and cones of an officer blocking traffic at the intersection of Ga. 10 and Main Street in Loganville. The officer stopped the vehicle and reported a strong smell of alcohol coming from the driver’s breath. Her speech was reportedly slurred and she was unsteady on her feet. She allegedly said she’d had a beer about an hour before. She did not respond to requests to do a field sobriety test or a breath test and was subsequently arrested and transported to Walton County Jail.
Feb. 10
A 33-year-old man was charged with shoplifting less than $500 after police were dispatched to Lowe’s regarding a shoplifting call. The subject had reportedly been seen repeatedly shoplifting items from the store. He had been using a small plastic ring with a bar code to scan items and not pay the real price. On this occasion he had picked up a Dewalt Combo kit, removed the tag and checked out scanning a candy bar only and then exited the store with both items. He was stopped and acknowledged that he did know it was illegal to steal. He was booked at LPD, his vehicle was towed and he was criminally trespassed from Lowes. The small plastic PVC ring he was using was placed into evidence and he was released on a copy of the citation.