The City of Monroe Police Department reported the following incidents for the period Feb. 24 – March 3, 2022. Due to the length, this report has been split into five parts. This is the second part. Please note an arrest or charge does not constitute a conviction.
- Reckless driving – Hwy 78 – In reference to a grey truck nearly causing several accidents, running other vehicles off the road, and throwing items out the window. The caller followed the suspect to Waffle House on W. Spring where Officers made contact with the driver and identified. Officers could not prove the driving behavior occurred. He was released with a warning and his father was contacted.
- Dispute – Amber Trail – Verbal dispute between spouses. Remedies advised.
- Suspicious Person – East Spring Street – Complainant observed a subject with a book bag in the area of FISH (Faith in Serving Humanity). Contact was made with subject rummaging through the trash. She was given a ride to Bogart per her request.
- Suspicious Person – N Broad St; Waffle House. Complainant advised two males were in the restroom together for an extended period of time. After investigation both subjects were sent on their way.
- Other Law – Blaine Street in reference to the complainant wanted extra patrol on Roosevelt Street in reference to illegal dumping, drag racing and a subject running a car washing business out of his residence on the weekends.
- Dispute – E Fambrough St; Verbal argument between subject and his girlfriend. She stated she was going to have him evicted. Parties separated. All was ok.
- Dispute – Ash St: Female subject was arrested for FV Cruelty to children 2nd after punching her 12-year-old daughter in the face following a dispute.
- Identity Theft – Storehouse Ct. In reference to complainant applying to a fake business. Complainant concerned about her identity being stolen. Report taken.
- Juvenile Runaway – E. Fambrough St. – Complainant advised her 17-year-old son had left earlier that date on foot and had not returned. Juvenile was placed on GCIC.
- Traffic Stop – Willams St. @ N. Broad St.- Male subject was stopped for failure to maintain lane. He was heavily intoxicated and was taken into custody for Driving Under the Influence.
- 911 Hang Up – N Broad St: Deer Acres: In reference to two subjects intoxicated and arguing. Situation mediated.
- Dispute – Overlook Crest: Verbal argument between a husband and wife. Parties were separated. All was ok.
- Animal Control – W 5th St: Regarding a dog being tied up with no shelter. Dispatch was advised to make contact with animal control so they can do a follow up tomorrow. I made contact with the complainant via cell phone.
- Dispute – Magnolia Ter; In reference to the complainant’s son being disrespectful. The issue was resolved accordingly.
- Other Law – Tanglewood Drive in reference to a mother wanted to make contact with the owner of the apartment because her juvenile daughter was at the apartment last night. All ok
- Suspicious Vehicle – N Broad St and Pavilion Parkway – In reference to a female subject driving under the influence of Methamphetamine. She was arrested and taken to Walton County Jail without incident.
- Traffic Stop – N. Broad St.- Male subject was stopped for a defective brake light. He had an active warrant out of Hall County. He was taken into custody and transported to the Walton County Jail.
- Assault – W. Spring St. – 1013 patient assaulted a nurse on site. The victim declined to prosecute. Report taken.
- Traffic Stop – N. Broad St.- A named subject was stopped for obscured tag. The odor of marijuana was present in the vehicle. The subject became agitated when I told his brother, who arrived in another vehicle, to leave the traffic stop. He was told to exit the vehicle and began to actively resist was OC’d and taken into custody. He was charged with possession and use of drug related objects, willful obstruction of LEO and obscured tag.