The City of Monroe Police Department reported the following incidents for the period Feb. 24 – March 3, 2022. Due to the length, this report has been split into five parts. This is the final part. Please note an arrest or charge does not constitute a conviction.
- Welfare Check – Green St; A. Welfare Check called in on victim due to possible domestic abuse. Contact made with victim and warrant for battery (FVA) taken against suspect.
- Assault – West Spring St in reference to a physical altercation between two employees. One subject was placed under arrest for Simple Assault.
- Traffic Stop – Highway 78 @ George L Pike Parkway: Subject was arrested for an outstanding PV warrant following a traffic stop for window tint.
- Dispute – N. Broad Street. Verbal argument between two parties over relationship issues. Parties advised of remedies and left the area.
- Burglary Report – Union Street; A Residence entered through possible unlocked door. Nothing missing at this time.
- Dispute – King Street. Complainant reported her husband got into a verbal argument with her and pushed her. Area checked for the subject with no contact. Report taken and remedies advised. He has warrants out of Wilkerson Co. and is possibly being driven around by a female in a black passenger car with Drive out tags, who stays in a room at the Walton Inn.
- Stolen Vehicle – East Church/City Limits – A stolen vehicle entered the city limits. Officers canvased area and the vehicle was located on Classic Trail. Vehicle was confirmed stolen out of Dekalb County. Driver taken into custody.
- Stolen Vehicle – Stolen vehicle entered the city limits on Church St, near Young St. Vehicle was located on Classic Trl. and a felony stop was conducted. The named subject was operating the vehicle and was charged with theft by conversion, open container and driving while license suspended.
- Traffic Stop – S. Madison Ave. @ E. Fambrough St. – Vehicle stopped for malfunctioning brake lights. Driver found to have a warrant for Probation violation in reference to traffic charges out of the Walton County Sheriff’s Office. The driver was subsequently arrested.
- Juvenile Complaint – W Spring St. McDonalds. In reference to juveniles revving their car engines and speeding through parking lot. Contact made with juveniles, advised to not speed and to be cautious in the parking lot. No criminal activity observed.
- Mental Subject – Baron Dr -Complainant wanted EMS to transport her 14-year-old son to the hospital due to his autistic behavior. When asked if he wanted to go, the juvenile advised he did not. The complainant was advised that we could not force him into the ambulance.
- Mental Subject – Baron Dr. – The complainant from the previous called back again requesting her son be transported to the hospital. She was again advised that without a signed 1013 or the juvenile’s willingness to go the hospital we could not force him. (Procedure for a Form 1013)
- Domestic – Ridge Rd. Contact made with two parties, both advised separately that they had been in a verbal dispute and that nothing physical occurred. Both had been drinking tonight. Situation was mediated.
- Traffic Stop – N. Broad St. @ Hwy 78 – Vehicle stopped for a defective third brake light. The driver was found to have a suspended driver’s license and was subsequently arrested.
- Warrant Attempt – W Spring St: Haven Inn: Assisted WCSO with a warrant on a female subject in room 103. She was arrested without incident by WCSO.
- Traffic Stop – Highway 78 @ E. Spring- A subject was stopped for non-functioning tag lights. A scale was seen in plain view and a probable cause search was conducted. Several drug related objects were located, as well as a small amount of marijuana. The subject was taken into custody for driving while license suspended. All contraband was logged into evidence to be destroyed.
- Suspicious Person – E Spring St at Atha Rental – In reference to two subjects in the roadway disputing. Called in by one in reference to the other and his girlfriend breaking into a tractor trailer on Athens Tech Campus. He was located on location inside the truck; however, Athens Tech refused to press charges.
- Mental Subject – Baron Dr. – The complainant was advised once again that unless the juvenile would be willing to go to the hospital or unless a 1013 is signed law enforcement would not be forcing him to go to the hospital. This was also explained to the Georgia Crisis line employee.